Their video for their hipster dissin' 'Whoo! Alright-Yeah... Uh Huh'directed by Ben Dickinson was the most fun had on a Brooklyn rooftop since I don't know when.
So what are band and director to do for a follow up?
Change direction it seems. Ben Dickinson shares the directing credits with Jon Watts in this video for album title track 'Pieces of the People We Love'. The boys drop the superhero capes and Beastie-Boy-goofiness to go for a more stylish and paired down vibe. Colour and animation also step aside to allow for desaturated and minimalist photography in a white studio egg - with characters literally emerging from the shadows.
It works.
Oh - and they throw in a glitter suit to let us know they're not taking themselves too seriously.
Streaming Quicktime here
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