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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bright Eyes 'Four Winds'

The king of performance-based indy music videos, Patrick Daughters, has directed this effort for Bright Eye's 'Four Winds'. Patrick has an enviable reputation for eliciting powerful performances from the artists he works with - most notably for Yeah Yeah Yeahs' 'Maps'. Coner's performance doesn't disappoint in this video and Patrick's photography is typically sharp and captivating (and there's the signature gig-in-an-irregular-venue setting), yet the core concept somehow falls a little flat with me...

...maybe it's the plastic cups. I can appreciate they are the only thing venues will let you drink out of these days, but it's all a bit soft compared to what the Blues Brothers had to put up with:

PS. I'm yet to find a version of Four Winds without a screwed aspect ratio. How do you manage to fuck that up? Did they get their grandmother to capture it on her new widescreen TV? Tsk.