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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Never Mind the Buzzcocks

Another music oriented comedy post. Last night I got home in time to catch the always entertaining comedy/music quiz 'Never Mind the Buzzcocks'. Simon Amstell's razor sharp wit has always cut straight to the bone on most of his victims (especially those whose celebrity vastly outweighs their talent). His research on his subjects borders on the academic and provides him with a devastating arsenal of material.

On last night's show he carried out a demolition job on The Ordinary Boys' Preston - one so crushing that Preston stormed off the stage...never to come back. For those not UK based - Preston is the lead singer of MOR group The (Insipidly) Ordinary Boys. He shot to fame not for his music, but for the questionable honour of being a contestant on England's Celebrity Big Brother. His next (and possibly last) cynical publicity stunt was then to marry fellow Celebrity Big Brother contestant and Paris Hilton wannabe Chantelle.

The poor bastard never stood a chance. See U2b below:

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