After this morning's downpour, I'd had enough of my damp denim, so I trawled the web looking for some kind of solution that didn't include plastic pantaloons that conjure thoughts of clowns and John Wayne Gacy. And it seems I may have found a stylish alternative.
It looks hot with a kind of contemporary yet retro 80s-Bond-in-American-Apparel feel about it. It is environmentally friendly, has a respectable top speed and above all, provides shelter from summer deluges - leaving your jeans crisp and dry for the morning's meetings.
The name is also suitably ambiguous, like a cross between a young gay dude and a butchy lesbian.
Ladies and gents meet the Twike

Name: Twike ("TW"in b"IKE")
Abstract: human-powered/electric hybrid Light Electric Vehicle (LEV)
Max speed: 85 km/h (53 mph)
Range: 40 -140 kilometers (25–90 miles)
Price: 17.800 € - 32.200 €
Weight: 246 kg (542 lb) unladen
Battery: 3.3 kw/h nickel-cadmium or 6 kw/h nickel-hydride
Charge time: 1.5 to 3 hours
Steering: via single joystick
Country: Switzerland
Release date: 1986

1 comment:
You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
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